ALUM: The Magical Crystal

Alum, known as Fitkari in Hindi, is a naturally occurring irregular crystalline solid salt, which is mainly colorless to white and has many antibacterial properties and offers several benefits to its users since ancient times. Because of its beneficial qualities it is used extensively in Ayurveda, by the name of ‘SHUBRA’ meaning – white, pure and clean. The scientific name of Alum is Potassium Aluminum Sulfate. In Indian households, Alum has a widespread use. Be…

Earth Chakras

Earth Chakras

Our beautiful planet Earth is a vibrant living thing and has a conscious too, just like our body. We all are aware that our body has energy vortexes called Chakras which plays a vital role in keeping ourselves balanced – emotionally, physically, and spiritually, similarly our planet Earth also has these powerful energy vortexes called the earth chakras which mimic the chakras in our body. Energy flows through each of these earths’ main chakras and…

Root Chakra – Mt. Shasta, California – Earth Chakras

Root Chakra – Mt. Shasta, California – Earth Chakras

It is a still-active volcano situated in the snow-capped Cascades Range known for its natural beauty and high spiritual energy. The Native Americans believed this area to be, the base of mother earth’s energy system. This naturally energised peak has a long history of sacred observation and mythology about lost civilization, it is also said that Native Americans even perform healing rituals on the mountain to keep it highly energised.

Sacral Chakra – Lake Titicaca, South America – Earth Chakras

Sacral Chakra – Lake Titicaca, South America – Earth Chakras

It is the largest lake in South America spread across the borders of Bolivia and Peru. Believed to be the home of Inca civilization, it is considered very sacred as it resembles the womb of the planet earth and manifests both masculine and feminine energies, thus said to regulate the lives of all species on earth and their evolutionary processes. This lake is known to be the Sacral Chakra of our earth because it represents…

Solar Plexus Chakra – Uluru and Kata Tjuta Rock Formations, Australia – Earth Chakras

Solar Plexus Chakra – Uluru and Kata Tjuta Rock Formations, Australia – Earth Chakras

These are two very massive rock formations situated 18 miles apart from each other in the Australian desert. These formations are also known as the ‘Spiritual Heart of Australia’. Kata Tjuta showcases ancient rock paintings and sacred carvings narrating the life of past generations and our ancestors. It is also believed to mimic as a makeshift umbilical cord, for our planet Earth, which sustains life all around. It is believed that the Pleiadians left these…

Heart Chakra – Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England and Maui, Hawaii – Earth Chakras

Heart Chakra – Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England and Maui, Hawaii – Earth Chakras

Two small towns separated by 30 miles, located in Southern England, Glastonbury and Shaftesbury represent the Heart Chakra of our planet. It is widely believed that the Earth’s Heart Chakra may expand till the Stonehenge. While many believe that the chakra is located at Hawaii’s Haleakalā volcano, the reason for this being the frequency emitted off of the volcano is similar to that of a human heartbeat.

Throat Chakra – The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; Mount Sinai, Egypt and Mount of Olives, Jerusalem – Earth Chakras

Throat Chakra – The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt; Mount Sinai, Egypt and Mount of Olives, Jerusalem – Earth Chakras

The throat chakra of our Earth is located on 3 different locations. The great pyramids of Giza which has ties to sacred geometry, astrology and built in-alignment with the big dipper, the stars of Orion and summer/winter solstice. When connected with the straight ley lines, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Mount Sinai (Egypt) and Mount of Olives (Jerusalem) form a perfect triangle. The Throat Chakra is one of the largest energy centres of Mother Earth….

Crown Chakra – Mount Kailash, Tibet – Earth Chakras

Crown Chakra – Mount Kailash, Tibet – Earth Chakras

Mount Kailash also known as ‘The roof of the world’ rising from the highest point of the Tibetan Plateau is the Crown Chakra of our planet. It is the source of 4 mighty rivers which flow in 4 different directions (East – River Brahmaputra, West – River Sutlej, North – River Indus, and South – River Karnali which is a tributary of Ganga). It is 6,714m tall and is considered very sacred to religions like…