Magnified Healing Courses
Feel the Magic
Magnified Healing

Magnified healing integrates the technique of reiki, pranic and theta healing techniques to provide a combined package of benefits. Magnified healing is an essential tool to help us raise our energy and become closer and develop more good qualities. It makes a tremendous difference in the lives of the people who practice it.

An ancient healing modality, magnified healing was introduced to earth in 1983. In 1992, under the direct intervention and inspiration of lady master Kwan Yin, as the messenger of god, magnified healing was brought forth into its expanded form for the spiritual advancement of humanity and the earth. It is the constant flow of energy from the heart to the source, through all of the spiritual centres down to the diamond at the centre of the earth. The link spirals and brings a deep state of grace, pulsing forth from the source, laying the very foundation for the ascension process.