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CHAKRAS: The Powerhouse of Mind, Body and Soul


Chakras are mystical energy centres that exist within the human Aura. Chakras mean wheels in Sanskrit.Our ancient Vedas and Upanishad also talk about Chakras and its powers, they refer to them as portals for the divine cosmic energies that is the ‘Prana Shakti’. There are seven main Chakras, which align with the spine starting from the spine base going upwards to the crown area of the head. Each Chakra has a specific function to perform in that particular part of the body it is located. Each Chakra receives the life force energy from the universe and transmits it to the physical body, thus it needs to be balanced and healed in order to lead a balanced life. The seven chakras are:

Root Chakra,

Sacral chakra,

Solar Plexus Chakra,

Heart Chakra,

Throat Chakra,

Third eye chakra and

Crown Chakra.

The first 3 Chakra are more physical in nature and caters to the materialistic needs of our life and are often referred to as Earth Chakra. The upper three chakras help us in gaining spiritual consciousness and are hence referred to as spiritual chakra. The Heart Chakra is located at the centre and forms a bridge between the lower Earth Chakras and the higher spiritual chakras.